Replacement Coils


EVAPCO Alcoil manufactures standard and custom replacement coils as Upgrade and improvement for fin/tube and other microchannel brand replacements. While many OEM equipment use foreign or “automotive” quality heat exchangers, Alcoil builds in long life quality. EVAPCO Alcoil’s heat exchanger “Upgrade” feature is due to thicker wall tubes, a more robust design, and E-Coating option, combined to assure long life corrosion protection. We are known as The Best Replacement Coil.

EVAPCO Alcoil stocks replacement condenser coils for:

       Carrier 30RB and 30XA Chillers

       Advantix Dehumidification Systems (PDF)

       York YLAA Chillers

       York YVAA Chillers

       Liebert MC & MCV Series

     Carrier 38AP400944 Replacement Coils


Custom Condenser Coils also available for other equipment brands, including Trane, York (Johnson Controls), McQuay, Lennox, Petra, Munters and others